Development of Liberica Coffee Roasting Machine Using Quality
Function Deployment (QFD) Method as the Leading Product of
Farmers of Meranti Islands Riau
Razali and Imran
Department of Mechanical Engineering Politeknik Negeri Bengkalis, Jl. Bathin Alam, Bengkalis, Indonesia
Keywords: Coffee Roasting Machine, Voice of the Consumer, House of Quality.
Abstract: Meranti Islands Regency is one of the regencies in Riau province which is famous for its Liberica coffee
production. According to the management of the Liberica Meranti Coffee Community Association (LMPK)
Al-Amin, Liberica coffee farm in Kedabu Rapat Village is currently 775 hectares and 100,000 hectares in
Rangsang Coastal area. The original Liberica coffee of Meranti is in huge demand by foreigners, especially
Malaysian. Malaysian Market demand holds up to 90% of the commodity. In order to improve the
competency, innovation will always be needed and carried out. This study conducted was to develop a
coffee roasting machine to enhance the coffee flavor by using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) method
to resolve the problems. The data obtained is in quantitative form by spreading 23 questionnaires to coffee
merchant. There were several phases conducted, which are collecting data by interviewing consumers,
compiling the house of quality matrix, and developing the concept of the tool. The data collected showed
that House of Quality requested large coffe roasting machine, while regular consumers wished to learn
coffee developement proccess. The final result of the study revealed that the design of the roasting coffee
machine proposed suits the request and needs of the users, called C concept (14 points) compared to other
Meranti Islands is one of the regencies in Riau
province which is famous for its Liberica coffee
production. Liberica is a type of coffee cultivated on
lowlands around one meter above sea level. Liberica
Coffee is currently registered as a geographical
indication at the Directorate of Intellectual Property
with application number G002014000014 by
Rangsang Meranti Liberica Coffee community
(MPKLRM). (Tiaraputri, Law, & Riau 2021).
Based on the information from the management
of the Meranti Liberica Coffee Community
Association (LMPK) Al-Amin,
Liberica coffee farm in
Kedabu Rapat Village is currently 775 hectares and
100,000 hectares in Rangsang Coastal area
, The original
Liberica coffee of Meranti is in huge demand by
foreigners, especially
Malaysian. Malaysian Market demand holds up to
90% of the commodity, while only 10% penetrates the
local market. In 2016, the export volume of Meranti
Liberica coffee beans to Malaysia was 71 tons or
equivalent to 800 tons of fresh beans. Each coffee
bean has different flavor, the factors that affect the
flavor of coffee are the variety of coffee beans, the
coffee growing area, the harvesting process,
fermentation and roasting. Roasting is an important
thing in processing coffee. (Novison and Sapta
Since the post-harvest coffee beans is still less in
value, those beans need to be further proccessed to
add the value to the farmers. However, during the
process of roasting, the merchant found it difficult to
determine that the beans are roasted evenly. To get
the flavor of the coffee, filling is still applied so that
the production cost and the final product can be
balanced since the price of the machine is extremely
expensive, for instance, a machine from otten coffee
with a capacity under 700 grams costs Rp. 1.8
million while large capacity machine costs up to
hundreds of millions. (Zakaria Purnama et al. 2020).
Liberica coffee beans which grows in the
lowland of Rangsang coastal area, Meranti Islands,
is one of the leading products of Meranti, which has
Razali, . and Imran, .
Development of Liberica Coffee Roasting Machine Using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Method as the Leading Product of Farmers of Meranti Islands Riau.
DOI: 10.5220/0011899300003575
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science (iCAST-ES 2022), pages 857-862
ISBN: 978-989-758-619-4; ISSN: 2975-8246
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
certain characteristic that cannot be found in other
coffee. Therefore, to maintain the distinct flavor, the
coffee beans should be well-roasted using proper
machine. Although the farmers need a proper
machine for roasting process, it is not affordable for
all coffee farmers and the merchants due to the
expensive price. Additionally, the farmers do not
have the required knowledge to operate the machine
or to roast the coffee beans perfectly, which affect
the flavor of the beans.
Condluding the problems mentioned above, the
author conduct a study to develop a coffee roasting
machine using Quality Function Deployment (QFD)
method which is affordable, user-friendly and high
in quality.
These are several studies related to this research
which has previously conducted.
A study conducted by (Novison and Sapta
2021) entitled "Application of the Taguchi
Method to Determine the Quality of Liberica
Roasted Coffee Based on Roasting
Parameters". The results of the study showed
that the best roasting can be produced with
variable value ratio SN 260 °C, in 60 minutes
with 60 RPM roasting speed and the best to
method is by reducing moisture and acid level
Another research conducted by (Sulistyo 2020)
entitled "Design of Semi-Automatic Coffee
Bean Roasting Machine". The results obtained
from the performance of the control system on
the semi-automatic roasting machine were able
to reduce the water of 11% to 7%-5% with
light roast beans at 155 °C with an average
time of 12 minutes for heating 170 °C and 150
°C the average roasting time is 20 minutes,
medium roast at a temperature of 160 °C with
an average time of 14 minutes for heating 170
°C and 150°C, the average roasting time is 25
minutes. Semi-automatic roasting is more gas
efficient, 1 can of gas can be used to roast 6-7
times while manual roasting is only 3 times.
A study conducted by (Arda 2020) entitled
"Design of Microcontroller-Based Smart
Coffee Roasters". The results of the automatic
research obtained the results of the coffee
roaster research with a choice of four roasting
menu options that work automatically, called
light roast, medium roast, dark roast, and set
timer. The Set timer is used when to roast the
coffee beans for a specific time by by setting
the timer
The results of the study conducted by
(Sasongko et al. 2018) entitled "Coffee Bean
Roasting Machine With Controlled
Temperature Using Arduino Due". The results
showed that the roasted level of coffee beans
can be determined based on the final
temperature of the coffee beans, 235°C for the
medium roast level, and 240°C for the dark
roast level.
Research Objectives
The purposes of this study are:
1. Collecting House of Quality (HoQ) to get the
largest 5 weights from the QFD (Quality
Function Deployment) method.
2. Developing a coffee roasting machine design
based on concept development on the QFD
(Quality Function Deployment) method.
1.1 Product Development
a) Development Concept.
In the concept development phase, the needs of
the target market are identified, alternative
product concepts are generated and evaluated
and a concept is selected for further
b) Design System.
The systems design phase includes defining the
product architecture and dividing the product
into sub-systems and components. The final
assembly scheme for a production system is
often undefined clearly during this phase.
c) Design Details.
Overall specifications are in two dimensions,
materials to be used and tolerances of all
unique product components and identification
of all standard components to be purchased
from suppliers.
d) Testing and Screening.
The testing and screening phase involves
establishing and pre-producing evaluation of
the many types of products to be developed.
1.2 Quality Function Deployment
QFD is a structured product planning and
development method that allows the development
team to clearly define consumer needs and then
evaluate the capacity of each proposal and product
and service systematically (AstonJones and
Cohen, 2005). According to (Djati, 2003), Quality
iCAST-ES 2022 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
Function Deployment is a product development
system that starts from product design,
manufacturing processes, to delivering product to
the consumers, which is based on consumer needs.
The QFD process involves the establishment of
one or more quality matrix or tables. This matrix,
known as the House of Quality (HoQ), consists of
several parts or sub-matrix which are merged in
several ways, each of which contains related
Figure 1: House of
Part A:
Contains a structured list of consumers’ needs, the
arrangement is usually determined by conducting
market research.
Part B:
Contains three main types of information,
quantitative market data, setting strategic goals for
services and calculations for ranking consumers’
Part C:
Contains a high-level description of a product or
service that is planned to be improved, usually this
technical explanation is generated from the
consumers’ needs in part A.
Part D:
Contains the development group's consideration of
the strength of the relationship between each
element of the engineering response and each
consumer's wishes.
Part E:
Technical correlation, is the half of a square matrix,
which is separated along its diagonal and rotated 45
degrees. Since this part resembles the roof of a
house, the term 'Quality House' is used for the entire
matrix and has become the standard term for the
matrix structure. Part E contains the development
team activities to implement the correlation between
engineering response elements.
Part F:
Contains three kinds of information, ranking order,
comparative information on competitors' technical
performance and technical performance targets.
1.3 Definition of Coffee Roasting
Coffee roasting machine is a tool used to roast
coffee to seperate the coffee beans from the skin.
This machine will also grind the coffee beans into
coffee powder to be distributed to the consumers.
(Tiaraputri, Hukum, and Riau 2021) The function of
the roasting process is to bring out the original flavor
of the coffee beans and make it more delicious. The
higher the temperature and the longer the roasting
time, the more charred the beans will be. If it gets
burnt, the original character and roasting aroma will
be stronger
There are interesting percentages about the flavor
of coffee that we enjoy. Coffee farmers have a role
of 60%, 30% during roasting process, and the rest
depends on the baristas. Brewing it by yourself
means we play the remaining percentage.
2.1 Research Design
Figure 2: Research Chat Flow.
2.2 Population and Sample
The objects of this research are Brem entrepreneurs
in Kaliabu village, Mejayan sub-district, Madiun
Regency. based on research on picnic coolers by
Development of Liberica Coffee Roasting Machine Using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Method as the Leading Product of Farmers
of Meranti Islands Riau
Griffin and Houser (Eppinger & Ulrich, 1995). The
sample used was 23 respondents, to be able to
describe consumer needs up to 90%. To collect data,
questionnaires were spread to respondents to find
out their rewuirements and needs for the
development of Liberika coffee roasting machine
2.3 Data Collection Technique
To involve consumers in the process of product
design and development, a data search process is
needed about the market demands. The market
demands can be found through the responds of the
consumers (merchant/coffee beans farmers). To be
able to catch consumers’ needs, a method is needed.
The methods commonly used are interviews and/or
questionnaires. Taking into account the cost and
time required, the questionnaire method was chosen
to collect data from consumers.
2.4 Data Analysis Using QFD (Quality
Function Deployment) Analysis
The data collected from the questionnaires that have
been filled out and returned, are then processed and
summarized to be used as the basis for making a
"Consumer Quality Request (CCP)" or Voice of
Consumer (VoC)". Based on the CCP that has been
obtained, it can then be used to build a House of
Quality (HoQ). The data processing steps are:
Step 1 Collecting data based on the questionnaire
responds, called Data 1 and Data 2
Step 2 Grouping the questionnaire data according
to the responds.
Step 3 Grouping Consumer Quality Demand
Step 4 General Grouping Consumer Quality
Demand (CCP)”
Step 5 Prioritizing Consumer Quality Demand
Step 6 Assessment of Consumer Quality Demand
Step 7 Preparation of Construction Quality
Performance (PKK)”
Step 8 Structuring Construction Quality
Performance (PKK)”
Step 9 How to Optimize and Roof Matrix
Step 10 Comparison between CCP and PKK
Step 11 Ranking (Weighting) of Quality Demand
Step 12 Compilation of the House of Quality
3.1 Questionnaire Data Collection
Collecting 23 questionnaire data that were returned
to the researcher and then grouped into table.
Table 1: Data.
(Source: Research Results)
3.2 Priority Setting “Consumer Quality
Demand (CCD)”
The stages after the general grouping of the data are
carried out, then at this stage is to determine the
priority of consumer quality requests by looking at
the results of the most selected questionnaires based
on the consumer's desire to determine priority on
primary requests, while for secondary requests are
data that have a moderate value. And the least
demand is tertiary.
Figure 3: Priority Setting Chart Flow.
3.3 Consumer Quality Demand
In the following stages, a comparison will be made
between the data on consumer quality requests that
have been obtained. The assessment is done by
giving a value of 3 if the comparison result which is
deemed more important, a value of 2 if the
comparison result which is equally important and a
value of 1 if the comparison result which is less
iCAST-ES 2022 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science
Table 2: Evaluation PKC.
(Source: Research Results)
3.4 Comparison of PKC and PKK
The next step is to assess the comparison between
PKC and PKK by giving a score of 9 for a strong
correlation, a value of 3 for a moderate correlation
(medium) and a value of 1 for a weak correlation.
Table 3: Comparison of PKC and PKK.
(Source: Research Results)
3.5 Preparation of House of Quality
The last step is to create a House of Quality (HOQ)
which is built based on the optimization matrix and
others which have been created previously.
(Source: Research Results)
Figure 4.
3.6 Concept Development
Table 4.
(Source: Research Results)
Development of Liberica Coffee Roasting Machine Using Quality Function Deployment (QFD) Method as the Leading Product of Farmers
of Meranti Islands Riau
3.7 Developed Product Concept
After filtering the matrix, it is concluded that
concept C will be developed. The selection of
concept C to be developed is based on the highest
score obtained by concept C (14 points) compared to
concept B (10 points). Among 14 requested
component criteria, concept C matched the
requirements. The following is a detailed image of
the concept C machine to be developed and
Figure 5: Coffee roasting machine design.
Based on the results of the development of the
coffee roasting machine with the QFD method in
this study, the following conclusions can be drawn:
1. The data obtained and compiled through the
House of Quality resulted in 5 rankings
(weights) of the highest PKK value criteria,
which is Price Price <= 5 million with a
capacity of 30%, Air flow system with PKK
weight value of 17.6%, Tube capacity < = 5 kg
with PKK weight 14.1%, iron frame with PKK
weight 13.4%, and by using an electric motor
with PKK weight 912.0%.
2. From the discussion conducted to develop a
coffee roasting machine design using QFD
(Quality Function Deployment) analysis, the
results of the coffee roasting machine design
on concept C are obtained. The selection of the
concept C to be developed is based on the
highest score obtained by the concept C (14
points) compared to the concept B (10 points).
Of the 14 desired component criteria, all of
them are in the concept C.
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iCAST-ES 2022 - International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science