"output", reduce production costs and increase
productivity. In implementing integrated quality
management, two fundamental issues can be
distinguished (not separated, namely: (1) how
integrated quality management works, which can be
called the hard part of integrated quality management,
and (2) how to do quality management work, and can
be called the soft part of quality management. The
hard part of integrated quality management is more
rational as it consists of objective methods,
techniques, and tools. The soft part is more
complicated as it involves the human system
(Hardjosoedarmo, 2004).
Lecturer performance plays a vital role in
determining graduates' quality; the quality of
education is inseparable from the performance of
lecturers. Performance is determined based on
assessing all the tasks that are well described and can
describe the entire task. The teaching performance of
lecturers is inseparable from the quality of the
lecturers. A good lecturer will identify; understand
the learning material provided and optimally owned.
In order to achieve this, many influencing factors
include; rewards, job satisfaction, and organizational
climate as a service provider (Ruky, 2002);
Job satisfaction is defined as an attitude towards
work resulting from perceptions based on work
environment factors such as the style of supervision
of procedures and policies, the relationship between
employees, working conditions and interests
obtained, and employee behavior towards their work
(Simamora, 2004)..
For employees who are satisfied with the
organization's existence, the treatment of people in
the organization will impact work motivation to
improve performance. On the other hand,
dissatisfaction can have an impact on low
performance. Lecturers become actors supporting the
achievement of educational goals and have thoughts,
feelings, and desires which can influence their
behavior. Attitudes will impact low performance,
dedication, and love of work (Sartika, 1999).
Performance is natural behavior as employees
produce work performance following the company
(organization) environment. Based on this definition,
lecturer performance is a natural behavior displayed
by a lecturer as work performance resulting from
work as a functional academic staff (Itsalis et al.,
Performance (individual) is how someone does a
job or performance. The verb illustrates that
individual performance can be seen from the
enthusiasm or seriousness of the individual in
carrying out the tasks assigned to him. definition
Based on the performance, lecturers are activities
carried out or performance. The performance of
lecturers can be seen from their enthusiasm in
carrying out the tridharma tasks of higher education
assigned to them (Sukmanasa et al., 2017).
Lecturer's performances provide limits as a result
of work that can be achieved by a person or group of
people in an organization by their respective
authorities and responsibilities to achieve the goals of
the organization concerned legally, not violating the
law, and under norms or ethics (Tampubolon, 2007).
The definition is based on the lecturer's performance
as the work achieved by a lecturer by their respective
authorities and responsibilities to achieve educational
goals legally, not violating the law, and by norms or
ethics. Performance is the result of work (outcomes
of work) because the results of work have a close
relationship with the organization's strategic goals,
customer satisfaction, and economic contribution
(Sukmanasa et al., 2017). From some of the opinions
above, it can be stated that lecturer performance is the
work achieved by the lecturer in a certain period by
the authority and responsibility of a functional
academic staff.
The success of an individual's performance is
influenced by many factors, both internal factors
(within) and external (outside). Lower's opinion
provides an overview of five factors that affect
individual performance: (1) self-esteem, (2)
experience, (3) actual situation, (4) individual
personality (personality), and (5) relationships with
others (communications from others) (
Taufik and
Subono, 2011). Six ways can be done to evaluate the
performance of a person (lecturer), namely: (1) the
assessment is carried out by the closest head of the
study program (leader), (2) the assessment is done by
using a colleague, (3) the assessment commission
carries out the assessment (BPM), (4) self-assessment
conducted by the appraiser, (5) assessment conducted
by students, and (6) assessment through feedback. In
this study, the performance assessment was carried
out by the lecturer himself (Dewi, 2015) The seven
performance indicators are (1) productivity, (2) work
quality, (3) initiative, (4) teamwork, (5) problem
solving, (6) pressure, and (7) motivation.
The opinion can be measured from: (1)The
productivity produced by lecturers during a study
program from time to time can be seen in the many
achievements that lecturers can realize in study
programs that have been prepared with campus
residents;(2)Lecturers' work quality in their duties
and obligations during specific study
programs;(3)The number of lecturers' initiatives in
finding strategies to realize work programs launched