management and nurse behavior towards patient
safety. With that said, Agus (2017) confirmed that
training is associated with organization and
management of patient safety. Since patient safety is
a variable to measure and evaluate the quality of
nursing services, it is important to pay attention to
these two vairbales (Nursalam, 2014). According to
Potter & Perry (2017), several actions related to work
organization and management that may prevent
patient safety incidents are supervision and guidance
(i.e., socialization, training, and monitoring). Having
well-trained leadership capacities, nurses can
optimize their role in hospital management.
Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded
that nurse behavior towards patient safety at the
investigated hospital was in a good category (55.7%).
Nurse characteristics (i.e age, gender, education,
tenure, and training) and workplace environment
were not associated with nurse behavior towards
patient safety. Work organization and management
were instead associated with nurse behavior towards
the implementation of patient safety. The findings
suggest the importance of monitoring and evaluating
on how nurses and patients work together to achieve
safety goals.
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