PEP reactivity of the first 1-minute window for each
block showed that while PEP reactivity for the flanker
No-Go block was significantly lower than the one for
the flanker block, PEP reactivity did not significantly
differ between the flanker No-Go block and the
neutral block or between the neutral block and the
flanker block.
Figure 1: PEP reactivity (in ms) for each block and each 1-
min window (w1, w2, w3 and w4) with standard error.
Larger negative PEP reactivity score reflects greater sym-
pathetic activation.
The preliminary results show that cognitive
performance decreased with the increase of the
amount of required inhibitory control in the task and
that PEP reactivity was significantly lower than 0 for
all block conditions, but only during the first minute.
These results partly agree with past research but may
highlight the rapid dynamic adaptation of the cardiac
activity to task constraints. The flanker no-go block,
which involves two kinds of inhibition (inhibition of
irrelevant information and response inhibition),
showed the most important PEP reactivity. This may
reflect that the increase of inhibitory control required
by the task generated an increase of sympathetic
activity to sustain effort and cognitive performance.
However, contrary to what was expected, this effect
on PEP reactivity was not linear, as the flanker block
had the lowest PEP reactivity. The next step is to
analyze the cerebral hemodynamic data as a function
of required inhibitory control and ultimately to
examine whether the variations in cardiac reactivity
and cerebral activity during the cognitive tasks are
functionally related and related to behavioral
performance. If they were actually functionally
connected, the integration of these dynamical cardiac
and cerebral markers into an online control system
could be used to detect and alert for performance and
attention fluctuations in pilot activity.
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