multi-threaded master is improved by 35% and fur-
ther improved by 33% with the addition of the wait-
free queue slave. The peak performance of the two
optimizations is improved by 80% compared to the
original LWFS. The average performance improve-
ment is 13% for the multi-threaded master and 19%
for the wait-free queue slave.
Computer node #
1 4 8 16 24 32
multi-threaded Master
wait-free-queue Slave
Figure 7: Results of 4KB Block Random Read Aggregate
Bandwidth Test.
The above results show that the Master/Slave
model of LWFS after the stack of the two optimiza-
tion methods is more stable and efficient in terms
of large block sequential write performance in high
concurrency scenarios, and there is almost no perfor-
mance loss in peak aggregation bandwidth compared
to GFS in high concurrency scenarios, achieving a
lossless global storage performance output.
The The Master/Slave model is a common parallel
mechanism for global storage in supercomputing, but
the limitations of this mechanism are becoming more
and more prominent in today’s increasing network
performance and concurrency of supercomputing ap-
plications. In this paper, we propose two performance
optimization methods to address this issue: multi-
threaded optimization for master and wait-free queue
optimization for slave. Evaluations of the two opti-
mization methods in the Sunway E-class Prototype
Verification System show that the peak bandwidth of
1M block sequential read/write is improved by 16%
and 90% respectively, and the peak bandwidth of 4K
block random read/write is improved by 80% and
48% respectively. The performance of global stor-
age is more stable under concurrent scenarios after
the two optimization methods are stacked. The eval-
uation results prove that the optimization mechanism
proposed in this paper can effectively solve the prob-
lem of excessive performance overhead of the tradi-
tional Master/Slave model, and can better adapt to the
I/O requirements of applications under high concur-
rency scenarios.
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Optimization of the Master/Slave Model in Supercomputing Global Storage Systems