providing services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Health workers at the Abiansemal District Health
Center mostly had a job satisfaction score in the good
category, indicating that their expectations fit their
reality. High job satisfaction will help workers view
work not as a burden, but as a task or obligation that
must be done. This will shape their perception to be
able to carry out their duties as well as possible
without considering the pandemic condition as an
additional mental workload in providing services.
In line with this study’s results and analysis,
(Inegbedion, et al., 2020) stated that there is a causal
relationship between job satisfaction and workload.
These two variables can influence each other.
Workload can shape job satisfaction and vice versa.
Rhythmic results were also presented by (Holland, et
al., 2019), where it was conveyed that there was a
relationship between workload and job satisfaction,
where a significant increase in workload can be the
reason someone leaves their job. In line with these
results, (Goh, et al., 2020) also stated that there is a
relationship between job satisfaction and workload.
The results of previous studies found a causal
relationship between workload and job satisfaction;
in this study, it was found that nurses who had less
job satisfaction tended to experience an increase in
mental workload.
This study had its limits in that the questionnaire
was filled out via Google Form and no assistance was
provided during the process of filling out the
questionnaire, thus allowing misunderstandings to
occur presenting the risk of missed questions by the
selected respondents, thus causing bias in data
collection. Extreme values forced a change in each
variable’s categories from three to two categories to
allow for a decrease in the quality of data differences
that cause the analysis results to be less than optimal.
The majority of respondents experienced a
light/moderate mental workload in the face of the
COVID-19 pandemic at the Abiansemal District
Health Center (50.6%). The majority of respondents
also reported good job satisfaction (53%). There was
a significant relationship between health workers’ job
satisfaction and mental workload. Job satisfaction
was the most dominant factor influencing health
workers’ mental workload in the face of the COVID-
19 pandemic. Job satisfaction has a very important
role and needs to be improved to reduce mental
workload by providing awards and supporting
infrastructure for health services.
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