KHAOS Improvements Using BSpline
ome Truc
, Daniel Sidobre
and Rachid Alami
LAAS-CNRS, Universit
e de Toulouse, CNRS, UPS, Toulouse, France
Human-Robot Interaction, Trajectory Planning, Autonomous Aerial Manipulators.
The introduction of BSpline to generate the trajectories for a Kinematic Human Aware Optimization-based
System for Reactive Planning of a Flying-Coworker, a multi-rotor drone that collaborates with workers to
fetch small objects, is presented. This allows to improve the quality of the motions and helps to better respect
the constraints relative to the collaboration with a human.
In our previous work, we presented KHAOS
(Truc et al., 2022), a Kinematic Human Aware
Optimization-based System for Reactive Planning of
Flying-Coworker in the context of the ”Flying Co-
Worker” project: a multi-rotor drone that collaborates
with workers to fetch small objects. The robot must
fly in a human-populated area, where only a hand-
ful of human workers may be “aware” of the robot’s
current task and mission, and a fraction of them may
be involved in the physical interaction (e.g., object
delivery): the robot must assume that most humans
are “observers”, i.e., they ignore its current mission
and are not involved with it. In such conditions, the
drone needs to carefully plan its 3D motion in a reac-
tive way to navigate and act safely in close proxim-
ity to humans. Beyond safety, the drone should aim
at exhibiting navigation strategies that are, as much
as possible, socially aware: for example, it should
avoid fast movements that could scare the observers;
it should maximize its visibility (Sisbot et al., 2007)
for workers, especially when engaging in an interac-
tion. To address the navigation requirements men-
tioned above, we proposed KHAOS for reactive plan-
ning, which produces trajectories in the 3D space sat-
isfying the kinematic constraints of the drone and en-
suring the visibility and ease of the humans present in
the environment. The human-aware behavior is real-
ized by proposing a visibility cost and a novel discom-
fort cost and including these along with the kinematic
constraints into a stochastic optimization process in-
spired by the STOMP algorithm (Kalakrishnan et al.,
In this paper, we first show the benefits of an
extension of Softmotion (Sidobre and Desormeaux,
2019) using BSpline as input to KHAOS to smooth
the initial path. Then, in two different scenarios, we
show the interest of using BSpline to improve the tra-
jectories generated by KHAOS and to ensure that they
are feasible.
STOMP algorithm optimize an initial path from a
set of costs to generate a new smoothed path. This
smoothing is dependent on the initial path, indeed
STOMP does not allow to smooth the too important
breaks of the initial path. These breaks will remain in
the final result and may even be amplified. By inher-
itance, KHAOS suffers from the same problem and
thus requires smoothing the initial input path in order
to obtain a satisfactory output. Moreover, it gener-
ates a 3D trajectory constrained by kinematic limits
(bounded velocity, acceleration and jerk) and human-
aware costs that can also have an impact on the kine-
matic parameters. This trajectory must therefore re-
spect the feasibility from a kinematic point of view
by avoiding, for example, too sharp turns that would
force the robot to slow down during execution.
To this end, we propose the use of the SoftMo-
tion library and in particular an extension of the well
known Non Uniform B-Spline (Piegl and Tiller, 1996;
Rousseau, 2019) to generate feasible trajectories from
a list of waypoints. The main advantage of this ex-
tension is to allow the control of the kinematic pa-
Truc, J., Sidobre, D. and Alami, R.
KHAOS Improvements Using BSpline.
DOI: 10.5220/0011957000003622
In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Cognitive Aircraft Systems (ICCAS 2022), pages 43-46
ISBN: 978-989-758-657-6
2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)