what is required to have a lower processing time,
this is due to a characteristic of the mode of work,
any image that you want to work first is loaded into
the system memory, that is why if the processing is
carried out in the CPU, the time may be less,
because there is no transfer time of the image
between the memory of the system and the memory
of the GPU, when the image is small, it may be the
case that the processing time may be longer in the
CPU, because of the transfer time. This
characteristic changes considerably when the image
to be processed is very large, because the processing
time compensates for the transfer time, in some
cases being considered negligible, as can be seen in
the last image that has a weight of 9.4 GB.
Finally, we conclude that in the use of satellite
images, it is important to know the characteristics of
the images to be processed, such as image size, this
data is important to be able to choose where it can be
processed, as is the case of the CPU, a GPU or two
GPUs, if the image is less than 1GB in weight can
be processed on the CPU or a GPU, if the size is
larger it is recommended to choose to process it in
the configuration of two GPUs.
We can also indicate that we must know the type
of processing, format and resolution, while the
image is in its original format which is the
GEOTIFF at 16 bits, it can only be worked by
specialized software, to be able to work them it is
necessary to convert them to JPG format of 8 bits,
with which they can be observed with any standard
visualization. When working with satellite images
we must take into account the following: type of
image, type of resolution, type of format, what
hardware I have and finally the choice of software.
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