The Community Participation in the Prevention and Transmission of
Viruses Through the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy in DKI Jakarta:
Case Study on COVID -19 Vaccination Policy in Paseban Village,
Central Jakarta
Hendra Wijayanto, Masnia Ahmad and Siti Mutiah
Public Administration Department, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
Keywords: Society Participation, Covid-19 Vaccination Policy, Paseban Village
Abstract: The Low awareness to carry out Covid-19 vaccinations in the Paseban Village, Central Jakarta, which
creates obstacles in realizing community participation for the prevention and transmission of the Covid-19
virus. The purpose of this study was to find out from community participation in the prevention and
transmission of the virus through the Covid-19 vaccination in Paseban Village as well as the supporting and
inhibiting factors. This study uses a descriptive qualitative method with a case study approach that focuses
on one institution. This case study approach is used because there are in-depth case studies researching
either an individual, a group, an organization, or a program. The data collection of this research used the
method of interview, observation, and data collection with documents. The results of this study indicate that
community participation is quite enthusiastic, but only as a beneficiary. Not yet fully aware of the
participation in the implementation, it goes directly into the implementation, because there are donations or
donations (contributions) that are mostly carried out by the local government of Paseban Village. The
arrangement or (organization) is formed and implemented from the stakeholders of Paseban Village.
The phenomenon of the outbreak that has been
running for two years in Indonesia, namely the
corona virus or called the Covid-19 Pandemic, is a
disease that is developing and is still being
explored for ways of healing for the community.
This Covid-19 pandemic case looks mild because
it is similar to the flu, cough is accompanied by
fever, but the outbreak that came earlier from
China started at the end of 2019 until now. When
the government started, it was stated according to
the WHO (World Health Organization) that this
outbreak was a pandemic, so Covid-19 became a
global health emergency (, 2020). In
the Ministry of Health, the Directorate of Health
Promotion and Community Empowerment (2021)
explained that there are 3 steps to strengthen
community participation in preventing the spread
of Covid-19, namely; (1) strengthening narratives
of social solidarity, mutual cooperation, and
community empathy, (2) building space for
managing community participation at the Central
and Regional levels, (3) strengthening structural
networks. This is a joint collaboration between the
community and local governments who collaborate
to become the most important role during this
Covid-19 pandemic.
With this Covid-19 vaccination program
policy, it is important to determine the success of
community participation who participates in
helping prevent the spread of the corona virus or
Covid-19 outbreak, not only as spectators because
the community has an important role for a policy.
stated by Adisasmita in Hermawan & Rofiq
(2020), that community participation is also a
community empowerment, their participation in
activities (contributions) in the implementation of
development or in terms of this corona virus
prevention program. The program that was built in
Paseban Village, namely "pick up the ball" tries to
create an active role from community participation
in assisting the implementation of vaccination.
However, what can be seen in the article from the
Central Jakarta City Government that the "pick up
the ball" activity is still being carried out from the
Wijayanto, H., Ahmad, M. and Mutiah, S.
The Community Participation in the Prevention and Transmission of Viruses Through the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy in DKI Jakarta: Case Study on COVID -19 Vaccination Policy in
Paseban Village, Central Jakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0011976100003582
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP) UTA â
Z45 Jakarta (ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022), pages 65-70
ISBN: 978-989-758-654-5; ISSN: 2828-853X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
Paseban Urban Village government, there is no
direct contribution from the community in the
implementation of the Covid-19 vaccination.
Along with the policies of both the Regional
Government and the Central Government that set
the game changer or vaccination program, the
Covid-19 vaccination program started from
President Jokowi in early January 2021, followed
by medical personnel and other prioritized groups
(, 2021). The Covid-19 vaccination
program was carried out at several points, namely
SDN 05 Pagi, Paseban Village Health Center and
SMAN 68 Jakarta. This Paseban Kelurahan which
has a vaccination implementation according to the
DKI Jakarta Provincial Government which applies
a mass to mobile system, even a mobile
vaccination center in Paseban Village is carried out
in collaboration with the DKI Jakarta Provincial
Government and several collaborating parties
(, 2021). This mandatory mobile
system is regulated by Presidential Regulation
(Perpres) Number 14 of 2021 on the amendment to
Presidential Regulation Number 99 of 2020
concerning the Procurement and Implementation
of Covid-19 Vaccinations. There is also the
opening of access by the Paseban Village as a
"pick up ball" program in collaboration with the
Paseban Village Health Center and several other
regional parties in the implementation of the
Covid-19 vaccination, especially for the elderly in
Paseban Village who have concerns about the
effects of this Covid-19 vaccination.
Paseban Village in implementing door to door
community motivation directly by the Paseban
Village Head brought several places by providing
the first and second doses, this resulted in some
residents stating that they were afraid of the safety
and halalness of the Covid-19 vaccine. Therefore,
community participation in carrying out this
vaccination is still not fully carried out by citizens.
Implementation, especially for the elderly as an
effort to speed up the spread of Covid-19
vaccination, the Paseban Village Head
immediately carried out a "pick-up" by taking
several elderly people who started having
responses about hoax news circulating
(, 2021). The researcher
understands that the Paseban Village community
lacks knowledge about the safety of Covid-19
vaccination to achieve herd immunity during a
pandemic, therefore the importance of increasing
socialization about the Covid-19 vaccination
program must be closer to the residents, because it
builds a trust for this vaccination. especially for the
elderly who urgently need an in-depth approach
not only through social media but directly.
With this, the role of the local government of
Paseban Village, both Kelurahan, Rukun Warga,
and Rukun Tetangga, must be more comprehensive
in the motivation of the community for community
participation in the implementation of this
vaccination evenly. So, from the problems above,
the title of the researcher to be carried out is;
"Public Participation in the Prevention and
Transmission of Viruses Through the Covid-19
Vaccination Policy in DKI Jakarta Province (Case
Study of the Covid-19 Vaccination Policy in
Paseban Village, Central Jakarta)".
2.1 Governance
Governance or what is known (governance)
according to Ganie Rochman in Harbani (2017)
that there is an understanding of governance as a
system in the management of economic and social
resources that affect the state sector and includes
the government sector which becomes a collective
activity. Meanwhile, according to Pinto in Widodo
and Harbani (2017) that governance is a practical
activity in the administration of power and
authority of the government to manage all
government affairs in general and development,
especially the economy. With this governance
practice emerged what is called Good governance
in the World Bank's explanation in Harbani (2017)
that Good governance is the implementation of
stable and responsible management, with
democracy that is in line and has an efficient
market, prevention of wrong investment
allocations, and avoids corruption/ Political or
administrative KKN, disciplined budget execution
and the creation of a legal and political framework
for the growth of entrepreneurship. In Governance,
this concept explains that management activities
are related by several parties related to government
by increasing the country's development goals.
2.2 Community Empowerment
According to Andi et al, (2019) Empowerment is
the ability of a person or group of people to take an
action in the form of reason, an effort to increase
the ability of a community or community group to
be able to act in accordance with the dignity and
worth in exercising the rights and responsibilities
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
of being a member of the community. Another
definition from Rahman (2016) regarding
empowerment as the basic foundation at the
individual and social levels in honing the abilities
of a person or group who is vulnerable and weak,
so that they have the ability or strength to fulfill
their basic needs, reach all productive sources,
participate in the development process and in
making influential decisions.
2.3 Society Participation
The word Participation which means 'participation'
or 'participation' According to Tawai & Yusuf
(2017) participation is defined as a process of
participation, involvement and togetherness of
citizens either as individuals or social groups or
community organizations that are realized by the
awareness of citizens, either directly or indirectly.
directly without coercion from certain parties.
Meanwhile, according to Pasaribu in Tawai &
Yusuf (2017) participation is usually given by the
participating groups, namely the community.
Therefore, the role of this community as a
benchmark for the success of a development.
There are five indicators of community
participation described by Oakley in Rahmawati, et
al (2021), including the existence of donations
(contributions), preparation or (organization), the
role of the community and their active actions,
community motivation, and community
2.4 Definition of Society
Society as defined by Smith, et al (1950) in Anwar
& Adang (2017) that society as a group in which
several individuals are organized and think about
themselves as a different group. Another opinion
according to Koentjaraningrat in Anwar & Adang
(2017) explains that this community is a group of
humans or a unit of human life that interacts
according to a certain customary system that is
continuous and is related by a sense of shared
identity. It can be concluded that society as a social
being has continuous interaction. So that the
community in this study has the most important
role for community participation to take place,
because public policy is made from the people and
for the people, namely the community.
2.5 Public Policy
Society plays an important role in public policy
because of the implementation carried out by
someone as a driver. Policies are made because of
the best and appropriate decision choices (Harbani,
2017). From the concept of public policy
according to Chandler and Plano in Harbani (2017)
that public policy is a strategic use of existing
resources to solve public or government problems.
Meanwhile, Willian N. Dunn in Harbani (2017)
explains that the notion of public policy is a series
of several related choices from government
institutions or officials to areas related to
government duties. Public policy is a determinant
or choice in future development steps, during the
Covid-19 pandemic, vaccination is a game chager
who is believed to be changing that results in an
2.6 Understanding Covid-19
This vaccine is a biological product that contains
antigens when given to a person, the specific
immunity for the body is active against certain
diseases. Vaccines are not drugs but encourage the
formation of more specific immunity, such as the
Covid-19 vaccine, which is useful for avoiding or
preventing transmission that causes serious illness
(, 2019). It is stated in Presidential
Decree No. 12 of 2020 concerning the
Determination of Non-Natural Disasters for the
Spread of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (Covid-19)
as National Disasters.
The driving or supporting factors as positive
traits encourage community participation which
a. Opportunity,
b. Willingness, as well as
c. Ability.
The inhibiting factors as negative traits that
affect community participation include:
a. The individual nature of the indifference
of the community,
b. The demographics contained in the
location of the implementation,
c. The economy that comes from one's work
This research uses descriptive qualitative method
with case studies. The location of this research is
Paseban, Central Jakarta. There are two sources of
data in this study, namely primary data and
The Community Participation in the Prevention and Transmission of Viruses Through the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy in DKI Jakarta:
Case Study on COVID -19 Vaccination Policy in Paseban Village, Central Jakarta
secondary data. The results of primary data
obtained through records of interviews with
informants, results of field observations, and data
on informants. While secondary data include
books, journals and related articles which are
sources of supporting data. The informants of this
study consisted of several who provided
information in the research problem. Some of the
informants included the Paseban Village Head, the
Head of the Paseban Village Health Center, the
Head of the Community Units from 02 and 03,
members of the Youth Organizations RW 02 and
03, the Paseban Village Community who had
already vaccinated stages I and II and who had not
vaccinated. Then the data collection method is
carried out in three ways, namely interview
(interview), observation (observation and
recording), and data collection techniques with
documents that can be used to support the validity
of research results using source triangulation.
Meanwhile, the data analysis used in this study
was through data reduction, data presentation, and
drawing conclusions (verification).
4.1 Community Participation in the
Covid-19 Vaccination Policy in
Paseban Village, Central Jakarta
Based on the research results obtained regarding
public participation in vaccination policies in the
Paseban Village, Central Jakarta, including;
a. The existence of donations or donations
(contributions) in the form of cash
contributions from RW and Youth
Organizations in several areas, and
contributions in the form of collaboration
from Paseban Village stakeholders. As well
as the community who only contribute
energy in the implementation.
b. The arrangement or (organization) is based
on the regional government, namely the
Covid-19 Task Force is still held by the
Lurah. Then several members as volunteers
from the RW. So that the formation is not
made an election.
c. The role of the community and active
action from the community, the enthusiasm
of the residents is based on their personal
needs, only the acceptance of the benefits is
considered very good, although many
people still have a perspective that this
vaccination is only an administrative
requirement for survival.
d. Community motivation is carried out “door
to door” or collected by stakeholders in
Paseban Village, but not evenly distributed.
And nearby residents in several areas
motivate each other.
e. Community responsibility has been realized
by some residents from achieving herd
immunity, however, there is also awareness
based on the necessities of life such as
administrative requirements.
4.2 Supporting Factors and Inhibiting
The supporting factors among the society in
Paseban Village includes:
a. First, is the opportunity factor which
consists of the public's awareness that the
Covid-19 vaccination is an epidemic that is
a shared responsibility and the community
knows the experience after the Covid-19
b. Second, is the willingness to have an
incentive to foster interest from the
community in this vaccination, including
the pick-up and drop-off program where the
post that opens the vaccination
implementation becomes easier for
residents to access, administrative
requirements in work, transportation, social
activities outside the home, and etc.
However, the provision of basic necessities
is also a factor in the growth of the
willingness to carry out this Covid-19
vaccination, because there have been so
many increases as a result of this being
c. Third, is the ability to carry out various RT,
RW, Karang Taruna and Kelurahan directly
who provide socialization and motivation
for things that are worried by the
community after carrying out the Covid-19
vaccination. This is from the principle of
role capability in good governance related
to the role of stakeholders in Paseban
Village, but it has not been evenly
distributed. Then there is collaboration
between the local government in this case
the Kelurahan, RT, RW, and Puskesmas as
well as the support of other institutions, so
that this vaccination target can be achieved
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
even in some areas exceeding the target
coverage in a day of implementing the
Covid-19 vaccination in Paseban Village.
The inhibiting factors among the society in
Paseban Village includes:
a. First is the individual's inner nature related
to laziness, apathy, ignorance related to
indifference to the environment, both from
health and in development for the
development of the country. The nature of
the individuals who are hindering in the
Paseban Village includes their own
perspective regarding vaccinations that
have negative issues, making him feel that
this policy has no effect on himself or his
life. This indifference was also spurred by
the effects of hoax news on social media,
the results of interviews with almost all
parties who saw that this was absorbed by
the community as well as the news was
raised by the community so that they had a
negative perspective with the Covid-19
vaccination policy.
b. Second is the demographic factor, the
obstacle to this vaccination activity is age.
This is because the Paseban sub-district,
Central Jakarta, has a very large number of
elderly people, so they do not want to
vaccinate because the effects of this
vaccination on the elderly are very
vulnerable (especially those with hormobid
or congenital diseases). Therefore, the
Paseban sub-district carried out a "pick-up
ball" program where access was closer in
the community area, both implemented by
the Puskesmas and other parties
collaborating with the Paseban Village.
c. Third, namely the economic factor, this
factor is related to the income obtained
from work because people need more
income during the pandemic, namely their
personal needs. So that aspects of the
government and government policies on
vaccination are neglected. With this, the
Paseban sub-district government should pay
more attention to the most important thing
in good governance, namely accountability,
where the Covid-19 Task Force pays
special attention so that people are aware
that this participation is needed during the
Covid-19 pandemic.
Based on the research results obtained regarding
public participation in vaccination policies in the
Paseban Village, Central Jakarta. Some
conclusions can be drawn that community
participation is quite enthusiastic but only as a
beneficiary. Not yet fully aware of the
participation in the implementation, it goes directly
into the implementation, because there are
donations or donations (contributions) that are
mostly carried out by the local government of
Paseban Village. The preparation or (organization)
is also based on the implementation of the Paseban
Urban Village government and its formation. This
is because the principle of transparency in
government management has not been
implemented properly so that the role of the
community and their active, enthusiastic actions
are based on their personal needs for survival. As
well as from the ability of the Paseban Village
stakeholder role which has not been evenly
distributed which makes the active role low. Then
the motivation of the community from various
Paseban Village programs has not been evenly
distributed. So that the responsibility of the
community is realized by some residents based on
the necessities of life such as administrative
requirements. Regarding the supporting factors of
external encouragement to make this community
aware of this vaccination. As well as inhibiting
factors from deeper health benefits that are known
to the public and do not require Covid-19
vaccinations for their daily needs. With this the
importance of growth for the realization of
community participation in Paseban Village,
through democracy that invites transparent
togetherness, so that some residents who have the
opportunity to contribute to the implementation
can be seen and do not cause negative issues from
the proximity of one party to the stakeholders of
Paseban Village.
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ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta