said that Democratic elections with One Man One
Vote (one person one vote) no longer need minimal
support, this is intended to provide the widest possible
opportunity for the best of next generations of this
nation who want to nominate as presidential and vice
presidential candidates so that the public can be given
more choices such as the presidential elections that
took place in 2014 and 2019, at that time there are
only two (2) pairs of presidential and vice presidential
candidates, coincidentally we have the same
presidential candidate, were Joko Widodo and
Prabowo Subianto. And in 2014 the vice presidential
candidates were different, namely in 2014 Joko
Widdodo & Jusuf Kalla, with political opponents
Prabowo Subianto & Hatta Radjasa, then in the 2019
presidential election the pair Joko Widodo & KH.
Ma'ruf Amien with political opponents Prabowo
Subianto and Sandiaga S. Uno.
At the end of 2022, presidential and vice
presidential candidates began to emerge according to
the results of surveys conducted by various survey
institutions, in line with that, several political parties
participating in the 2019 elections began to conduct
political ties to explore their suitability cooperation or
coalition. Referring to the results of the 2019 general
election, only PDIP received 27,053,961 (twenty-
seven million fifty-three thousand nine hundred and
sixty-one votes) or equivalent to 19.33% so that it can
nominate its own presidential and vice-presidential
Several political parties are currently in talks for
cooperation and make coalition in the face of the 2024
presidential election, including the name the New
Indonesia Coalition (KIB), which consists of the
Golkar Party, the National Mandate Party (PAN) and
the United Development Party (PPP) and then the
coalition of The Gerindra Party and the National
Awakening Party (PKB), there is also the Nasdem
Party which has declared its presidential candidate,
namely Anies R. Baswedan but still does not meet the
requirements for nomination of 20% of the 2019
election votes and is currently exploring with the
Democratic Party and the Prosperous Justice Party
(PKS) to fulfill its requirements. Currently, the
community is also very enthusiastic in facing
democratic parties, especially the presidential
election (pilpres) in 2024, especially on social media
such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. with
various comments and actions of support for the
candidate they idolize as nowadays, they make more
intense socialization, especially those outside
political parties or those who name volunteers from
Anies R. Baswedan, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono,
Ganjar Pranowo, Puan Maharani, Prabowo Subianto
etc. Several political parties have carried out various
activities to socialize the figures they want or support
to the wider community either by making
declarations, social activities or even through charity
activities. Currently, there are so many people trying
to pair the presidential and vice presidential
candidates, including: Anies R Baswedan & Agus
Harimurti Yudhoyono, Prabowo Subianto & Puan
Maharani, Gandjar Pranowo & Erick Thohir etc. The
registration for presidential and vice presidential
candidates for the 2024 election is open from 19
October to 25 November 2023, so there is still
approximately one year left.
In fact, the direct democracy system in Indonesia has
been implemented in the reform era. The direct
election system (one man one vote) was implemented
in 2004 with the directly elected president, namely
Prof. Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono with Vice
President H. M. Yusuf Kalla. For the presidential and
vice-presidential elections in 2024 and elections in
the next period, it is hoped that the presidential
threshold requirement will no longer be used, so that
the public will be given many choices for the
presidential and vice-presidential candidates to be
nominated. With the elimination of the presidential
threshold requirement, political parties can nominate
candidates for president and vice president without
having to form a coalition with other parties.
Indonesia can provide space and opportunities as
widely as possible for the future generation to run for
president and vice president of Indonesia in the next
general election without any presidential threshold as
requirements, to realize the Golden of Indonesia in
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Undang-Undang Dasar 1945