Election Law Politics in 2024 Transition of Leadership Towards the
Golden Indonesia 2045
Cecep Suhardiman
Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: General Election, Presidential Elections, Presidential Threshold.
Abstract: The leadership succession is carried out through the general election both presidential elections and legislative
member elections. This Democratic Party is a national agenda as regulated in the constitution of 1945. This
democratic party, which is held every five years, should be an arena for contestation in choosing the future
leaders of the nation who has a good vision and be able to implement the ideals of the founding fathers of this
nation as stated in the preamble of the 1945 Constitution: "Protect all the Indonesian people and the entire
homeland of Indonesia and to promote the general welfare, to educate the nation's life”. The nomination
process for president and vice president is regulated in Law no. 7 of 2017 with the condition that it meets the
presidential threshold of 20 percent of the 2019 election results. This requirement raises different opinions in
viewing the democratic system in Indonesia. Basically, a democratic election should not use the requirement
of 20 percent of the actual election results, because the democratic system has been carried out directly with
one man on vote. Without Presidential threshold, Indonesia can provide opportunities to the next generation
in achieving The Golden of Indonesia 2045.
In the year of 2022, this is the start of the stage for the
grand event of leadership succession in the Unitary
State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) which will
be held on February 14, 2024. This leadership
succession is carried out through the General Election
process (elections) both presidential and vice
presidential elections (pilpres) and the election of
legislative members (pileg) as well as House of
Representative of Indonesian Republic (members of
DPR RI), the Provincial Member’s Representative
Council (member of DPR Provinsi), the Regional
Member’s of Represantative Council (member of
DPRD) that all the participants come from political
parties, then the election of members of the Regional
Representative Council (DPD RI) which the
participants are individuals. This Democratic Party is
a national agenda as regulated in the constitution
(UUD 1945) Chapter VIIB General Election Article
22E paragraph (1) "General elections are held in a
direct, general, free, secret, honest and fair manner
every five years". (Republic of Indonesia,
Constitution 1945).
This democratic party, which is held every five years,
should be an arena for contestation in choosing the
future leaders of the nation who has a good vision and
be able to implement the ideals of the founding
fathers of this nation as stated in the preamble to the
1945 Constitution, namely: "Protect all the
Indonesian people and the entire homeland of
Indonesia and to promote the general welfare, to
educate the nation's life”. The participation of people
who apply their right to vote should increase in
democratic parties every five years. That is really
concrete, not pseudo-participation which is only a
claim by election organizers such as the General
Election Commission, Election Supervisory Body,
and the Honorary Board of Organizers Elections
(KPU, Bawaslu and DKPP) that public participations
have increased, this is of course in the interests of the
election management institutions so that they are not
said to have failed.
Two years before the event of this democratic
party, of course all parties need to continue and to
socialize the importance of participating in elections,
because politics affects all aspects of the lives of its
citizens. Aristotle once said, politics is a Master of
Suhardiman, C.
Election Law Politics in 2024 Transition of Leadership Towards the Golden Indonesia 2045.
DOI: 10.5220/0011976400003582
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP) UTA â
Z45 Jakarta (ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022), pages 83-86
ISBN: 978-989-758-654-5; ISSN: 2828-853X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
science.(Surbakti, 2010:3) He does not mean in the
scientific sense, but he considers that knowledge of
politics is the key to understand the environment. For
Aristotle, the political dimension in human existence
is the most important dimension because it affects
other environments in human life. Aristotle had a
view that politics means regulating what we should
do and what we shouldn't do, this is what awakens all
of us to study and to follow and to participate in this
five-year democratic party, because this is part of
practical politics. In the year of 2024 democratic
party, especially in terms of choosing the president
and vice president, this is a very important process in
the context of leadership succession and
transformation towards a better Indonesia, namely
The Golden of Indonesia in 2045 (100 years of the
Independence of the Republic of Indonesia).The
presidential election in 2024 is indeed very interesting
to observe and will be a milestone towards a Golden
Indonesia in 2045, the 2024 presidential election
contestation is especially the absence of an incumbent
who cannot be renominated as a presidential/vice
presidential candidate because President Joko
Widodo had been selected as president for twice, so
according to the regulations, he can no longer run for
president, while the Vice President, Prof. dr. KH. Ma,
Ruf Amin is old so he has a small chance of being
nominated by a political party.
The author uses empirical juridical research methods,
namely research conducted by analyzing legal
problems directly that occur in the field through
observation or observations combined with legal
sources as secondary data to examine data primary
that occurs in the implementation of elections. This
research study emphasizes the phenomenon of
differences of opinion regarding the presidential
threshold requirement of 20% in the nomination of
president and vice president. By obtaining a
theoretical construction basis, the author conducts a
literature review on basic conceptual theories
regarding the meaning and understanding of
democracy and the general election system.
Theoretically, the purpose of research is an
attempt made to find out one thing. The knowledge
gained from this type of research cannot be used
directly or practically. So, another name for this
research is called basic research. Whereas practically,
the purpose of this research is to seek and to find
knowledge that can be used directly in life. This type
of research is also known as applied research.
The type of data obtained is based on experience
and knowledge through direct observation, where
data is obtained through sensory experience, then the
empirical data is studied using secondary data sources
in the form of library materials (library studies). Data
collection techniques are carried out by observations.
It carried out by researchers through reading,
reviewing and hearing various opinions in various
political discussions and conducting literature
studies. The data obtained directly are studied based
on various related theories to produce valid, actual
and factual data.
The process of nomination of presidential and vice
presidential candidates who meet the requirements in
accordance with the provisions of Law no. 7 of 2017
concerning General Elections, to be able to register to
the General Election Commission (KPU) as a pair of
presidential and vice presidential candidates, they
must meet the provisions as stipulated in Article 221
to Article 225Article 221 reads: Candidates for
President and Vice President are proposed in one pair
by a Political Party or a Combined Political Party,
then Article 222 states that a Candidate Pair is
proposed by a Political Party or a Combined Election
Contesting Political Party that meets the requirements
of obtaining seats at least 20% (twenty percent) of the
total seats in DPR or obtaining 25% (twenty five
percent) of the nationally valid votes in the previous
election for members of DPR. (Republic Of
Indonesia, Law Number 7:2017)
There is a minimum support requirement of 20%
of the vote (Presidential Threshold) in setting the
threshold level of support from DPR, either in the
form of the number of votes (ballot) or the number of
seats that must be obtained by Political Parties from
the results of the previous election, that is the result
vote in the election on 2019. This requirement raises
different opinions (both agree and disagree) in
viewing the democratic system in Indonesia
(Kompas.tv/News Article:2022), the parties which
agree with the minimum requirement of 20% are
supporting and arguing that the presidential and vice-
presidential candidates were elected when they won
the contestation in the next general election. To run
the government effectively, of course, you must get
the supporting vote from members of the legislature
(DPR RI) so that the program can run well. And for
the experts who have the point of view that there is no
need for a minimum requirement of 20% the
supporting vote from the previous election results,
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
said that Democratic elections with One Man One
Vote (one person one vote) no longer need minimal
support, this is intended to provide the widest possible
opportunity for the best of next generations of this
nation who want to nominate as presidential and vice
presidential candidates so that the public can be given
more choices such as the presidential elections that
took place in 2014 and 2019, at that time there are
only two (2) pairs of presidential and vice presidential
candidates, coincidentally we have the same
presidential candidate, were Joko Widodo and
Prabowo Subianto. And in 2014 the vice presidential
candidates were different, namely in 2014 Joko
Widdodo & Jusuf Kalla, with political opponents
Prabowo Subianto & Hatta Radjasa, then in the 2019
presidential election the pair Joko Widodo & KH.
Ma'ruf Amien with political opponents Prabowo
Subianto and Sandiaga S. Uno.
At the end of 2022, presidential and vice
presidential candidates began to emerge according to
the results of surveys conducted by various survey
institutions, in line with that, several political parties
participating in the 2019 elections began to conduct
political ties to explore their suitability cooperation or
coalition. Referring to the results of the 2019 general
election, only PDIP received 27,053,961 (twenty-
seven million fifty-three thousand nine hundred and
sixty-one votes) or equivalent to 19.33% so that it can
nominate its own presidential and vice-presidential
Several political parties are currently in talks for
cooperation and make coalition in the face of the 2024
presidential election, including the name the New
Indonesia Coalition (KIB), which consists of the
Golkar Party, the National Mandate Party (PAN) and
the United Development Party (PPP) and then the
coalition of The Gerindra Party and the National
Awakening Party (PKB), there is also the Nasdem
Party which has declared its presidential candidate,
namely Anies R. Baswedan but still does not meet the
requirements for nomination of 20% of the 2019
election votes and is currently exploring with the
Democratic Party and the Prosperous Justice Party
(PKS) to fulfill its requirements. Currently, the
community is also very enthusiastic in facing
democratic parties, especially the presidential
election (pilpres) in 2024, especially on social media
such as Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc. with
various comments and actions of support for the
candidate they idolize as nowadays, they make more
intense socialization, especially those outside
political parties or those who name volunteers from
Anies R. Baswedan, Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono,
Ganjar Pranowo, Puan Maharani, Prabowo Subianto
etc. Several political parties have carried out various
activities to socialize the figures they want or support
to the wider community either by making
declarations, social activities or even through charity
activities. Currently, there are so many people trying
to pair the presidential and vice presidential
candidates, including: Anies R Baswedan & Agus
Harimurti Yudhoyono, Prabowo Subianto & Puan
Maharani, Gandjar Pranowo & Erick Thohir etc. The
registration for presidential and vice presidential
candidates for the 2024 election is open from 19
October to 25 November 2023, so there is still
approximately one year left.
In fact, the direct democracy system in Indonesia has
been implemented in the reform era. The direct
election system (one man one vote) was implemented
in 2004 with the directly elected president, namely
Prof. Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono with Vice
President H. M. Yusuf Kalla. For the presidential and
vice-presidential elections in 2024 and elections in
the next period, it is hoped that the presidential
threshold requirement will no longer be used, so that
the public will be given many choices for the
presidential and vice-presidential candidates to be
nominated. With the elimination of the presidential
threshold requirement, political parties can nominate
candidates for president and vice president without
having to form a coalition with other parties.
Indonesia can provide space and opportunities as
widely as possible for the future generation to run for
president and vice president of Indonesia in the next
general election without any presidential threshold as
requirements, to realize the Golden of Indonesia in
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ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta