Overview of Knowledge and Experience Drug Use Among Society in
North Jakarta
Rima Nurfadillah
and Diana Laila Ramatillah
Faculty Of Pharmacy, Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta, Indonesia
Keywords: Drugs, Knowledge, Experience, North Jakarta.
Abstract: The high level of drug dependence in North Jakarta impacts the increase of crime in that area. Lack of
knowledge is one of the contributing factors in drug abuse cases. This study aims to describe the knowledge
and experience of drug use among society in North Jakarta. This study uses a prospective cross-sectional
method and spearman rank test. The instruments used include a validity test reliability test, the sample size in
this study was (n= 300) participants. From this study, it is known that having experience using illegal drugs
is as much as 9.67% or 29 respondents, with 85.7% having good knowledge of drugs. In contrast, regarding
whether drugs are bad for yourself, as many as 53% or 159 respondents agreed, 61.7% answered drugs are
hazardous, and 51.3% or 154 respondents said drugs could damage the body, especially brain cells. Only a
small percentage of 9.67% or 29 respondents have drug experience, but more than 50% of respondents already
know what drugs are and their dangers.
Drugs are narcotics, psychotropics, and other
dangerous addictive substances that, when entered
into the human body, either orally/drunk, inhaled, or
injected, can change a person's mind, mood or
feelings, and behavior. Drugs or narcotics come from
the English narcos or narcosis, which means to put to
sleep and anesthesia (Githa Pratiwi et al., 2019).
Drugs can cause dependence (addiction) physically
and psychologically for users (Esther et al., 2021).
Narcotics are substances or drugs derived from plants
or non-plants, either synthetic or semi-synthetic, that
can cause a decrease or change in consciousness, loss
of taste, reduce to eliminate pain, and can cause
dependence on users (Hartini et al., 2018).
Psychotropics are substances or drugs, whether
natural or synthetic non-narcotic, which are
efficacious psychoactive through selective influence
on the CNS (central nervous system) that can cause
typical changes in mental activity and behavior of
users (Hartini et al., 2018). Usually, doctors use
psychotropic drugs to treat patients with mental
disorders. Other addictive substances are substances
or non-narcotic and Psychotropic Substances that can
influence the work of the brain and cause dependence.
(Act No.22 of 1997 on narcotics) this material may
direct or act as an addiction to narcotics (Hartini et al.,
2018). Drugs also impact health, such as
neurological, cardiovascular, dermatological,
pulmonary disorders, frequent headaches, nausea,
vomiting, increased body temperature, liver
depletion, and insomnia (Hartini et al., 2018). The
impact on reproductive health is endocrine disorders
such as the decreased function of reproductive
hormones (estrogen, progesterone, testosterone) and
sexual function disorders (Hartini et al., 2018).
Impacts on reproductive health in adolescent girls
include changes in irregular menstrual cycles (Hartini
et al., 2018). Drug users through syringes, especially
the use of syringes alternately, can pose a risk of
contracting diseases such as hepatitis B, C, and HIV,
which until now have no cure (Hartini et al., 2018).
Drug abuse can also be fatal because there can be an
overdose, excessive drug consumption past the body's
ability to accept it, and can cause death (Kemenkes,
2017). DKI Jakarta is divided into five regions, one
of which is North Jakarta. The high crime rate in the
North Jakarta area makes some residents go to prison
Nurfadillah, R. and Ramatillah, D.
Overview of Knowledge and Experience Drug Use Among Society in North Jakarta.
DOI: 10.5220/0011978600003582
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Seminar and Call for Paper (ISCP) UTA â
Z45 Jakarta (ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022), pages 197-200
ISBN: 978-989-758-654-5; ISSN: 2828-853X
2023 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)
for criminal acts such as theft, logging, to drug abuse
(Patuwondatu, 2019). The importance of knowledge
of drug abuse is very influential for those who
sometimes want to know or try to use drugs and for
those who have experienced dependence on drugs
(Patuwondatu, 2019).
This research method is a prospective cross-sectional
study and spearman rank test, The instruments used
in this study are a validity and reliability test with a
Cronbach alpha 0.803. Using convenience sampling
technique for three months. In this study, data
collection was carried out using completed
questionnaires. The questionnaire was conducted
online by distributing the Google questionnaire form
through Whatsapp and Instagram groups to family,
friends, and the community in North Jakarta.
Inclusion criteria are all residents living in North
Jakarta and aged 15-30 years and exclusion criteria
are residents who are less than 15 years old and more
than 30 years old and are not willing to fill out the
questionnaire completely. 300 respondents met the
inclusion criteria. The data collection process was
carried out by distributing questionnaires, and then
the data were analyzed uses SPSS software version
26 for statistical data processing.
2.1 Ethical Cleareance
The Ethics Committee has approved this research of
Health Research at the University of August 17, 1945,
Jakarta, based on the certificate of ethical feasibility
(Ethical Clearance) with the number: No.32/KEPK-
Figure 1: Characteristic of Respondent.
Based on the (Figure 1) results of the study of 300
participants or respondents, it is known that the most
gender is female, as much as 55.3% or 166
respondents, and male gender as much as 44.7% or
134 respondents. This is in line with the research by
Prastidini et al. (Prastidini et al. 2018). Most of the
respondents were female gender as much as 54%
where gender affects the way of thinking (Prastidini
et al., 2018).
Table 1: Correlation between Sociodemograpgy (age,
gender, education level, jobs, salary) and Drug Knowledge.
No Sociodemography N (%) P-value*
1. Age
77 (25,7%)
156 (52%)
67 (22,3%)
2. Gender
Male (134)
Female (166)
134 (44,7%)
166 (55,3%)
3. Education Level
Elementary School
Junior High School
Senior High School
Strata 1
Bachelor's Degree
2 (0,7% )
44 (14,7%)
164 (54,7%)
29 (41.67%)
58 (19,3%)
1 (0,3%)
2 (0,7%)
4. Jobs
49 (16,3%)
85 (28,3%)
110 (36.67%)
56 (18,7%)
5. Salary
1-3 Million
3-6 Million
>6 Million
No income
54 (18%)
80 (26,7%)
19 (6,3%)
147 (49%)
*) Chi-Square Test *) Spearman Rank Test
In (Table 1) shows the age of most respondents,
namely the age (21-25) years, as many as 52% or 156
respondents, which is in line with Najafi and Nasiri's
research, where the average dependence on drugs or
illicit drugs is 22 years (in youth and adolescence).
(Najafi & Nasiri, 2019). It is known that the most
educational history in this study is SMA / SMK
equivalent of 54.7% or 164 respondents, at the level
of SMA/SMK is a teenager and usually easily
influenced by peers, which is in line with research by
Supratman (Supratman, 2018). According to BNN
data, in 2016 there are 27.32% of total drug users
among students were drugs became a trend and the
desire to try. This is also in line with wahyudi'S
research (Wahyudin. w & Z, 2018). Students begin to
ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
recognize illegal drugs due to various factors,
including social, economic, educational, and family
factors. While on the status of work obtained, most
respondents are still in school where they are still
studying and do not have income (Wahyudin. w & Z,
Table 2: Distribution of Respondents' Answers to Drug
Knowledge Questions.
No. Question N (%)
1. Drugs stand for
psychotropic, and
True 188 (62.7%)
False 43 (14.3%)
Not knowing 69 (23%)
2. Do you know what
drugs are?
Yes 257 (85.7%)
No 43 (14.3%)
3. Do you know the
consequences of
drug abuse are bad
for yourself and
Yes 159 (53%)
No 141 (47%)
4. Did you know that
drugs are
Yes 185 (61.7%)
No 115 (38.3%)
5. Do you know drugs
can make organs,
especially brain
cells, become
Yes 154 (51.3%)
No 146 (48.7%)
At (Table 2) from the results of the questionnaire
answers (85.7%) or 257 respondents who know what
the drug is, while the question whether the drug is bad
for yourself is as much (53%) or 159 respondents
answered in the affirmative. This is in line with Dwi
and Muhammad's research (Dwi Wahyu Utomo Hadi,
Muhammad Rasyid, 2019), where the knowledge of
adolescents about the dangers and effects of drugs
from 94 respondents, as many as (59.6%) or 56
respondents, is sufficient, (30.9%) or 29 respondents
are good, (9.6%) or nine respondents are not good.
And on the question of whether the drug is very
dangerous, obtained as much (61.7%), or 185
respondents answered the drug is very dangerous,
whereas (51.3%) or 154 respondents said the drug
could damage the body, especially brain cells. From
the results of the answers above, it is known that
public knowledge about drugs is good for (85.7%) as
many as 257 respondents.
Figure 2: Distribution Chart of Drug Experience.
Base on the (Figure 2) from questionnaire
answers show that experience using illegal drugs or
drugs is as much (9.67%) or 29 respondents. The
known type of drug that is most widely used is
codeine. Codeine is a class of opioids that are
analgesic drugs as moderate to severe pain relievers
and are usually also found in the content of cough
medicine (Lubis, N. M. D., & Ramadhania, 2018).
Codeine causes dependence (addiction) because it is
psychoactive that plays a direct role in the central
nervous system (CNS), which can reduce the level of
consciousness, pain, heart rate, and respiration
(Bahrir, 2019). Doctors usually use codeine as a
cough medicine, but it can cause dependence, so its
circulation is limited and closely monitored, and
obtaining a doctor's prescription is required (Agustina
& Sirait, 2020). Codeine is also a derivative of
morphine which has analgesic effects, euphoria,
sedation, reduced concentration, nausea, and a feeling
of heaviness in the extremities (Baysinger, 2018).
This finding is also in line with the research of
Overview of Knowledge and Experience Drug Use Among Society in North Jakarta
Wibowo and Aditya (Wibowo, 2021). Codeine has a
mechanism for suppressing the frequency of
coughing and suppressing the stimulation of
coughing and expiratory motor pathways. American
Academy of Paediatrics (AAP) has banned the use of
codeine cough medicine in children because it has
been studied by the European Medicines Agency
(EMA) that the content of codeine will be rapidly
metabolized into morphine,causing toxic effects of
difficulty breathing (Wibowo, 2021). Effects of drug
use or illicit drugs that occur among adolescents and
adults due to lack of knowledge of the impact of drug
abuse for themselves and others (Suryani et al., 2020).
This study concludes that only a small percentage of
9.67% or 29 respondents have drug experience, but
more than 50% of respondents already know what
drugs are and their dangers.
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ISCP UTA’45 Jakarta 2022 - International Seminar and Call for Paper Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta