Figure 6: Benchmark comparison between other operators
and the Color-gradient operator.
forward observation. However, we can see several
photos in the set have a color casting to blue (exam-
ple 1 ∼ 5.jpg), which made all of the operators pick
the example 2.jpg, which is the wrong one with the
color cast problem. Figure 6 is a line chart of all the
operators calculating this color cast case. Because of
the blue color casting, all lines suddenly peak when
the image index is number 2. Even if the process fi-
nally meets the actual clear image, number 52 in the
set, the peak can only be a local maximum instead of
a global maximum for all the other operators, leading
to a wrong answer. Once again, the colorful gradient
operator is still the only one that survives in this color
casting case.
The final simulation with python code files is all
open sources on the internet. Please refer to the
URL: https://github.com/Pockylee/Colorful-gradient
for a deeper understanding of the colorful-gradient
operator algorithm.
We proposed a new focus measurement operator con-
sidering three aspects: sharpness, colorfulness, and
color cast. Unlike most sharpness operators nowa-
days, colorful-gradient cannot only do the regular im-
age focus measurement job well, but it can also easily
deal with microscopy cases. According to the real-
life data collected from medical institutes, we found
the two main factors of making microscopy images
harder to do focus measurement. First, the impurity
on the lens is an undodgeable problem, especially in
medical institutions located in remote areas. Second,
the color cast problems are caused by the illuminator
of a conventional microscope. After all, we tested the
operators with real-life data and constructed a bench-
mark to show the difference between the colorful-
gradient operator and others. With the focus algo-
rithm we propose, we can perform excellently on the
microscope image focus detection cases. We had al-
ready implemented this algorithm onto the automated
microscope system. However, the current algorithm is
not fast enough to make a real-time adjustment with
the microscope stage adjust wheel. We can only take
one photo on every slight rotation (step) of the adjust-
ment wheel; after gathering all of the images of the
sample, we send them to the server to find the perfect
height for the microscope stage. As a result, we can
start from a higher height instead of taking the photo
from the bottom, which wastes much time.
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ISAIC 2022 - International Symposium on Automation, Information and Computing