In this paper, three levels of feature quantities are
used respectively: 10, 20, 40; Three dimensionality
reduction methods: PCA, FA and AE; Two
classification methods: SVM and RF. By
comparison, it is found that the best classification
results are obtained when using the RF classifier in
combination with PCA (40 features) and FA (20
features). Among them, FA uses fewer features and
occupies less computing space.
The best model in this paper is used to verify and
analyze the EEG data in our laboratory. The
agreement between the results and the original results
reaches 89.26%, among which N1 is 80.00%, N2 is
88.41%, N3 is 91.34% and REM is 97.27%. Among
them, N1 has the greatest difference in staging and
REM has the highest coincidence.
In this paper, several dimensionality reduction
techniques of EEG data set for automatic detection of
sleep stage are analyzed. Among them, FA uses fewer
features and occupies less computing space.
Dimension reduction technology helps to reshape the
input data, thus reducing the computing power and
improving the performance for some transformations.
The analysis of sleep EEG data in our laboratory
supports that static magnetic field can improve sleep
quality, whether it is sleep time or sleep structure.
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Detection of Sleep Staging from EEG: A Comparison of Feature Dimensionality Reduction and Classifier Selection