machine learning model analysis show that the
importance of EPU on the impact of corporate ESG is
more prominent compared to traditional factors.
There is a significant non-linear relationship between
the two. Compared with the traditional econometric
model, the machine learning model fits better.
Based on the above findings, this paper puts
forward the following policy insights and
suggestions. First, the government should consider
the negative impact of policy uncertainty on ESG
activities while implementing macroeconomic
regulation to stabilize the economy, which requires
the government to find an optimal balance between
stabilizing the economy and keeping ESG
performance at a high level. Secondly, enterprises
should establish strategic mechanisms for long-term
participation in social responsibility activities, so as
to play a buffering role and insurance effect when
facing the negative impact of EPU on financing. For
example, firms can counter the negative impact of
EPU on their financing channels by taking advantage
of ESG performance as a non-financial performance
signalling advantage: In addition, this paper further
finds that the inflection point value is smaller among
firms in low-marketing regions and state-owned
enterprises, and the ESG activities of small-scale
firms are more susceptible to the negative impact of
high EPU compared with those of large-scale firms,
which is a phenomenon that warrants government
attention. When revising the original economic
policies or issuing new economic policies, the
government can consider giving certain policy
preferences to such listed enterprises so that they can
maintain a certain level of profitability and actively
fulfil their social and environmental responsibilities
at the same time.
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