parking of cars on the streets. On (Abu 2019)
explains the average total segment delay of the total
duration along the road segment due to roadside
parking on the 3 road segments studied in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia was 7.29, 12.01 and 25.95 seconds
per vehicle. On research (Nahry et al. 2019) on
Jatinegara Barat street, Jakarta there is a fairly strong
relationship between parking and vehicle delays
moving to the parking location, and traffic volume
also affects this relationship.
Seeing that the traffic conditions in the Kelapa
Lima Beach area are increasingly congested, the
purpose of this study is to find out how much
influence parking vehicles have on the road to traffic
performance has a high urgency.
2.1 Side Friction
Side friction are defined as activities that occur on the
side of the road starting from lowering transportation
activities that affect normal traffic lanes that pass
through the road section (Forde and Daniel 2017).
Roadside activities affect traffic flow operations and
can cause delays, there are several references that try
to measure the effect directly especially for
developing countries where the effect tends to be high
(Ryus et al. 2011).
When side friction are at their worst, road capacity
is also reduced, resulting in traffic congestion
problems. On research (Pal and Roy 2019) shows the
road segment capacity decreased to 800 vehicles/hour
from 1,950 vehicles/hour when the side friction rate
increased from 50 incidents to 130 incidents. On
research (Saw et al. 2019) capacity in the city of
Warangal, India is estimated at 2909 vehicles/hour
for road conditions with side friction. And the
capacity in the absence of side resistance is 3173
vehicles/hour. There is an approximately 9%
reduction in capacity due to side drag. On-street
parking reduces road capacity (Chen et al. 2017). In
general, side friction can be buses stopping at stops,
pedestrians walking along the side of the train track
and crossing randomly, parking on the street, exits
and entries from the approach road, slow moving
vehicles (P. Li and He 2016).
2.2 On Street Parking
On Street Parking is located on the side of the road
with limited number of parking spaces, therefore it is
suitable for short term temporary parking users and
should have a higher parking turnover rate to provide
services to more users (J. Li, Wu, and Feng 2021).
There are several indicators that will be used to
correlate the effect between parking and traffic
performance, including parking volume and parking
accumulation (Wadu, Sulistio, and Wicaksono 2017).
Accumulation = Q
Where Q
is the number of vehicles entering every
hour, Q
is the number of vehicles exiting every
hour, and Q
is the number of vehicles parked on the
road before the observation.
Volume = Q
Where Q
is the number of vehicles entering every
hour and Q
is the number of vehicles that have been
parked on the road before the observation. side
2.3 Urban Road Performance
Urban road performance which is commonly called
Level of Service, LOS is a qualitative measure used
to indicate traffic conditions in terms of speed, travel
time, freedom to maneuver, comfort, convenience,
traffic disturbance, safety etc. The more the ratio, the
greater the congestion. v/c value of 1.0 indicates
heavy traffic. LOS suitable for various scenarios are
presented to deal with existing traffic problems
(Gajjar and Mohandas 2016).
On (Yany, Farida, and Walujodjati 2016) e
xplains traffic characteristics in terms of the V/C
Ratio and the average travel speed of traffic due to
parking on the road have a significant impact. When
the parking volume is high, the V/C Ratio is high and
the average travel time is low, causing congestion.
While on research (Yany, Farida, and Walujodjati
2016) t he existing condition on Ir.H Juanda street
with on-street parking apparently affects the
performance of Ir.H. Juanda street. The capacity of
roads without parking is 2,854 pcu/hour, while the
capacity with parking is 1,215 pcu/hour. For V/C
Ratio of 0.22. Average speed 33 km / h. The level of
service for peak hours on Ir.H. Juanda street is C.
Based on the Indonesian Road Capacity
Guidelines (PKJI 2014) traffic performance on urban
roads can be determined through a comparison
between the maximum hourly traffic flow and road
capacity. (PKJI 2014).