the entry of foreign objects into the lungs (Kurrahman
, 2017). In addition, the results of the analysis of
previous research can be examined and improved in
terms of system deficiencies and combined into a new
system design that is better and more developed.
Therefore, this study was proposed which is expected
to help ease the burden on nurses, especially during
the COVID-19 pandemic and provide better handling
to patients who need infusion therapy.
The lack of effective infusion facilities in middle-
class hospitals during the COVID-19 pandemic has
made it difficult for nurses to identify errors that
occur in patient infusions such as flowrate deviations,
excess volume values, fluid blockage, fluid depletion,
and air bubbles in patient infusion tubes. In addition
to the flowrate instability in the infusion, there is a
risk of worsening the patient's condition. Nurses must
also monitor the condition of multiple infusions
without having to be in physical contact with the
patient for a long time.
To overcome these problems, a study was made in
the form of 2 infusion devices that can perform the
function of controlling the flowrate value by pressing
on the hose and monitoring hazardous conditions in
patient infusion, including: deviation of flowrate
value, deviation of volume value, infusion fluid runs
out, clogged infusion fluid, and detection of air
bubbles in the infusion hose which will be displayed
in the Human Machine Interface (HMI). The HMI
will display the sensor data sent by the
microcontroller. In addition, the microcontroller also
sends data to the cloud database in real time through
the application server which will be displayed on the
monitor screen in the nurse's room.
2.1 System Design
From the system architecture diagram in Figure 1, it
can be seen that the data transmission protocol used
in the Internet Of Things (IoT) system is MQTT
Brocker to perform a monitoring system for 2 infuse
devices on the monitor screen. The monitor screen
will display the Nodered UI IP installed on the
raspberry pi. The Nodered UI gets data from the
Nodered application server which will process all
data, receive data from the ESP32 microcontroller
and send data to MySQL. The infusion device itself
uses a bubble sensor to detect air bubbles in the
Figure 1: System Architecture Diagram.
infusion hose, an optocoupler sensor to detect
droplets and volume of infusion fluid, a servo motor
to clamp the infusion hose, a buzzer as an indication
in case of danger, and Nextion as an HMI. Arduino
nano and ESP32 have different roles, Arduino nano
will receive a signal from the optocoupler sensor then
will calculate the flowrate and volume values. From
the calculation of the flowrate value obtained,
Arduino nano will calculate the Proportional
Differential Integral (PID) algorithm to determine the
position of the servo motor. After that, the system will
send the data to ESP32 for further processing. ESP 32
itself will receive data from Arduino nano, then create
an alarm algorithm for infusion fluid administration.
ESP32 will receive a signal from the bubble sensor
then send a signal to the buzzer as an indication of
failure when the alarm algorithm works. In addition,
ESP32 will also send data to the HMI, server and
Arduino nano. All devices on the infuse device get a
power supply from an alternating current (AC) to
direct current (DC) adapter.
2.1.1 Flow Diagram
From the system flow diagram in Figure 2, it is known
that the system starts when the raspberry pi is turned
on and connected to Wi-Fi so that it can configure it
to nodered. After that the switch on the infuse device
is turned on and the ESP32 microcontroller will be
connected to Wi-Fi. The process continues by
entering parameters and pressing the start button on
the Nextion HMI. After that, the process of reading
the infusion liquid droplets by the optocoupler sensor
begins. When there are bubbles in the infusion hose,
it will cause a danger condition so that it sends a
signal to the buzzer to activate. When the buzzer is
active, the user can press the 'mute' button to turn off
the buzzer. When there are no drops within a certain
period of time, it will also cause a danger condition
and activate the buzzer again. When there is no