Performance Test Study of Car Cooling System (Air
Conditioning/AC) Using Block and Elder Type Expansion Valve
Jhon Arnoldos Wabang, Edwin P. D. Hattu and Jufra D. J. Abanat
Statete Polytechnics of Kupang, Lasiana, Adisucipto Street, Kupang, Indonesia
Keywords: Air Cooling, Expansion Valve, Block Valve.
Abstract: Air cooling in cars is an absolute necessity in cars because it can provide comfort for drivers and passengers.
There are a series of main components to support the working system, namely the compressor, condenser,
filter drayer, expansion valve and evaporator. The five components that are of concern in this study are the
expansion valves because in all cooling systems there are different types of expansion valves, but have the
same function of these types of expansion valves, namely to lower the pressure and lower the temperature of
the system. The types of expansion valves in question are elbow type expansion valves (TXV) sensing and
box or block type expansion valves These two types of expansion valves were tested using the car's air
conditioning cooling system. The refrigerant material used is refrigerant (R134a. The results showed that the
performance of the expansion valve (TXV), Coeficient of Performance (COP) was 3.79, Refrigeration
Efficiency 64,45%, cooling capacity 3.26 kW, and refrigeration effect 160.06 kJ/kg. For valve block
Coeficient of Performance (COP) is 3.90, Refrigeration Efficiency 70.28%, cooling capacity 2.89 kW, and
refrigeration effect 115.75 kJ/kg.
Technology to provide comfort for passengers in
driving is a necessary requirement in a vehicle.
Comfort in question is the need for cool air for
passengers. Coolness can be obtained with a
technology called air conditioning (Air Conditioning
/ AC) in cars. In this technology there is a series of
interrelated components of the system to produce cool
air while driving, therefore the use and application of
components that can work effectively and efficiently
continue to be researched in order to get an AC
working system that can provide comfort for users in
their daily activities (Handbook-Fundamentals,
2009); (Wardika, 2018).
In the cooling system (AC), there are a series of
main components to support the working system,
namely the compressor, condenser, filter drayer,
expansion valve and evaporator. The five components
that are of concern in this study are the block and
elbow type expansion valves, because in all cooling
systems there are different types of expansion valves,
but have the same function of these types of
expansion valves, namely to lower the pressure and
lower the temperature of the system. The types of
expansion valves in question are elbow-type (TXV)
sensing expansion valves and box or block-type
expansion valves (Muslih, 2020); (Jamaludin, 2018).
This type of expansion valve will be tested using
the car's air conditioning cooling system. The
refrigerant material used is refrigerant (R234a). The
basis for choosing this material is because the car air
conditioner compressor is only suitable for using
R134a (Wang et al., 2016).
The test model used is to vary the two types of
valves to determine the performance of the system in
the form of Coeficient of Performance (COP),
cooling capacity (Cooling Capacity), refrigeration
effect and system efficiency.
The method used in this research is the experimental
method and it was conducted in the Refrigeration
Engineering laboratory, with the set up as figure 1.
The implementation of this research followed the
flow chart as shown below in fig.2. From this set up
of experiments, a system test is performed with steps
such as the following flow chart (Stubblefield et al.,
2009); (Prabakaran et al., 2021).
Wabang, J., Hattu, E. and Abanat, J.
Performance Test Study of Car Cooling System (Air Conditioning/AC) Using Block and Elder Type Expansion Valve.
DOI: 10.5220/0012056700003575
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Applied Science and Technology on Engineering Science (iCAST-ES 2022), pages 1052-1055
ISBN: 978-989-758-619-4; ISSN: 2975-8246
Copyright © 2023 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. Under CC license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)