Ayas, 2011). The second study, "Prospective
teachers’ perception of barriers to technology
integration in education,” revealed that for preservice
teachers, parents and security were barriers to
integrating technology in education (Dinc, 2019).
By recognizing the critical role of technology in
the successful teaching-learning process, the present
study aims to investigate the technical assistance in
implementing PjBL. Next, this research is guided by
the question: “How is technology-assisted learning
during the implementation of project-based
2.1 Project-Based Learning
Since there is no absolute definition of PjBL, experts
define PjBL by describing its characteristics and
activities. PjBL contains at least three constructivism-
related qualities: context-specific, student-centered,
and learning that involves sharing knowledge and
understanding (Coco in Kokotsaki, Menzies, &
Wiggins, 2016).
There are three main activities in PjBL coverage:
beginning in the classroom, moving out into the
world, and returning to the classroom (Fried-Booth in
Stoller, 2002). Furthermore, the other study
highlights six PjBL activities: preparation, planning,
research, conclusions, presentation, and evaluation
(Papandreu in Thuan, 2018). Then, the other research
study stresses the activities of PjBL, covering
essential questions, planning, scheduling, monitoring,
assessment, and evaluation (Mayasari, 2017).
Considering the explanation above, it can be
concluded that activities in PjBL implementation can
plausibly vary, and teachers can design classroom
activities tailored to the student’s learning needs.
2.2 Why Teacher Needs Technology
Assistance in the Implementation of
The reason for using technology in the classroom is
to help students develop the skills demanded by the
-century workforce (Rahmawati et al., 2020).
There are several ways that technology can be
incorporated into education. It should offer a rich
learning environment, help students gain a
multidimensional understanding of a complicated
phenomenon, encourage a flexible arrangement of
information for challenging learning materials, and
accommodate various demands based on individual
characteristics (Pilten, Pilten, & Sahinkaya, 2017).
The following reason is that online learning
cannot run optimally without the help of technology.
To slow the spread of Covid-19 during epidemics,
most nations implement PPKM. Therefore, online
education is necessary to help teachers provide
3.1 Research Background and Setting
The study was carried out at the English Education
Study Program at a private university in East Java.
The teaching-learning process was carried out online
during the research. The qualitative method was used
to investigate the integration of technology in the
implementation of PjBL. The case study approach is
chosen because it aims to understand complete and
in-depth cases (Hamied, 2017).
3.2 Participant
The research participant was an English lecturer in
one of the private universities in Kediri, East Java,
Indonesia. The participant was chosen because she
used technology assistance to implement PjBL in her
teaching-learning process.
3.3 Instrument, Data Collection, and
Data Analysis
Three instruments were used to gain data:
observational form, interview guide, and document.
Data were collected through the observational form,
interviews, and documentation. The observation was
carried out during one semester. While observing, the
researcher records the activities and takes some notes.
The interview was unstructured to clarify the data
obtained in the observation. In the end, the researcher
was asked for supporting documents such as lesson
plans, students’ project, and students’ scores.
The data from the document analysis were used as
secondary data in support of the primary data. The
collected data from the observation were then
analyzed by storing and classifying them into some
points. First, the researcher transcribes the
observation data. Then, it was continued by adding
pattern codes (categories or themes) to analyze the
data. These stages were needed to ascertain the
trustworthiness of the data analysis process.