problems presented. In addition to assessments from
media experts, there are also assessments from
material experts covering three aspects: the suitability
of practicum objectives and learning outcomes,
clarity of practicum sequences, and STEM
components, which also receive assessments with
valid criteria.
The aspect of conformity of practicum objectives
with learning outcomes gets the maximum rating
from the validator. This means that the practicum
objectives in the e-module are by the learning
outcomes to be achieved and have been formulated at
the defining stage. The next aspect is the practical
aspect. The practicum series is presented by
considering the complexity of the problems and their
suitability for application at the higher education
level. To support problem-solving, the e-module is
equipped with a video that presents real-world
problems and illustrated images adapted to the
existing concepts in the material on the Law of
Conservation of Energy. The e-module is made so
that students can design their practicum to reach
solutions to the problems to be solved so that the
questions presented at the exploration stage are
constructed correctly and correctly according to the
concepts in the Law of Conservation of Energy
material. The third aspect is the STEM component
aspect. The e-modules developed for practicum
activities have facilitated aspects of science,
technology, engineering, and mathematics in the
STEM approach presented in the practicum series.
This research has only reached the stage of testing
the validity level of the developed media. Follow-up
is needed from this research, namely to determine the
level of practicality of the developed media. A
practicality test is needed to see whether the media
developed meets students' needs and the desired
product specifications based on the results of the
media development needs analysis (Wulandari et al.,
2022). In addition to validity and practicality, this
media also needs to be implemented in learning to see
the effectiveness of the media being developed so that
it can have a good influence on learning. These
influences include increasing problem-solving
abilities, creative thinking abilities and students'
understanding of concepts (Zulaiha & Kusuma,
Based on the results of the research that has been
carried out, it can be concluded that:
The STEM-based practicum e-module on the law
of energy conservation has been successfully
developed through the 4D development method.
The steps taken to produce a research product in
the form of an e-module are defined, designed,
and develop (up to the evaluation stage of the
The validity of the STEM-based practicum e-
module on the conservation of energy law
material based on media experts gets a
percentage of 94.91% with valid criteria
covering aspects of the display, presentation, and
quality of supporting media. Based on the
material expert, the validity of the e-module gets
a percentage of 95.00% with the criteria of valid,
covering aspects of the suitability of practicum
objectives with learning outcomes, clarity of
practicum series, and STEM components.
The authors wish to thank the head of the Basic
Physics Laboratory of the University of Siliwangi for
the support and encouragement of this research. The
fund DIPA Ministry of Research, Technology and
Higher Education, University of Siliwangi, supported
this project.
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