The results are similar to the research of Suryana
and Septian (2019) who applied the Let's Learn
English application to children aged 5-12 years. This
android-based Let's Learn English application
consists of 6 basic English vocabulary training
materials regarding colors, numbers, fruits, letters,
fruits, animals, and objects. The application is also
accompanied by exercises and evaluations to measure
children's understanding. This application is
supported by images, sounds, and animations that are
expected to attract children's interest in learning. The
results of the application evaluation show that this
application can improve learners' understanding of
the material about basic English vocabulary with the
application of fun interactive learning.
Furthermore, the results also show that more than
90% of students feel happy learning English
vocabulary using English Animation Apps. This
result is reinforced by the observation which shows
that students seem enthusiastic in learning English.
More than 80% of students were active during
In addition to English vocabulary mastery, this
study also measured students' English language
ability after the use of English Animation Apps.
Students' English proficiency was measured using
pretest and posttest instruments. These pre-test and
post-test instruments consist of questions that will
assess students' English skills in 4 (four) aspects,
namely: listening, speaking, writing, and reading. The
questions in these 4 aspects relate to simple things in
everyday life.
language skills in the curriculum at school usually
include four aspects, namely speaking, listening,
reading, and writing skills. Each skill is closely
related to the other three skills in various ways. The
four skills are one unit, commonly referred to as a
game of single chess. Furthermore, each skill is also
closely related to the thought processes that underlie
language. A person's language reflects his or her
thoughts. The more skillful a person is in language,
the brighter and clearer his or her way of thinking.
Skills can only be mastered through practice and
The assessment of English language learning is an
activity to measure learners' mastery of English and
to obtain information on the extent to which the
indicators of success that have been formulated have
appeared in learners' English language behavior. The
results of the assessment can be communicated to
learners qualitatively, in the form of descriptions of
their language behavior, or quantitatively, in the form
of grades, or both. Whatever the form, assessment is
an integral part of learning activities and should have
a positive impact on the development of target
competencies. Thus, assessment is conducted
throughout the learning process (Panjaitan 2010).
Meanwhile, (Bachman 1990) terms
communicative skills with the term language ability,
which is a construct that should be measured in
language tests. Thus, learning must be directed
towards mastering the competence of the four
language skills so that graduates can communicate.
For example, for speaking skills, learning is directed
at developing learners' competence in performing
speech acts such as opening a conversation,
maintaining it, closing a conversation, asking for
help, greeting, expressing joy, apologizing, inviting,
and so on in a particular context. For writing skills,
learning is directed at developing learners' ability to
perform communication (rhetorical) steps, such as
elaborating, adding, sharpening ideas, and
Figure 3 shows that the pretest scores indicate that
the average score of students' English language skills
before the use of English Animation Apps was 15
points, with details: listening skills (10 points),
speaking skills (15 points), writing skills (30 points),
and reading skills (20 points). Meanwhile, after the
use of English Animation Apps, there was an increase
in students' English language skills by 17.5 points.
The average student posttest score is 32.5 points, with
details: listening ability (25 points), speaking ability
(30 points), writing ability (35 points), and reading
ability (40 points). This means that the use of English
Animation Apps can improve the English language
skills of elementary school students.
These results are in line with the results of
research by (Leong and Ahmadi 2017) who
conducted research related to factors that affect
students' English language skills, especially in
speaking. The results showed that English language
ability is influenced by several factors including
students' interest in learning English, teachers'
teaching methods, teaching materials and learning
media used by teachers, and students' level of practice
in speaking English. Teachers should be able to
increase students' confidence in speaking English so
that students feel more comfortable. In addition,
interactive learning materials can improve students'
ability to speak English. This is because students can
learn and practice English with more fun.
Furthermore, the results of Salsabilah's research
(2020) also show that the use of English educational
video games can help children increase their English
vocabulary. In addition, the use of English video
games can attract interest and increase children's